Volunteers in Mission, or VIM, coordinates a variety of mission opportunities for volunteers to serve God.  VIM work has become a way of life for many who find deep spiritual growth through serving the Lord and meeting new friends in Christ.  These trips will usually be led by Calvary's Pastor Jeff Fisher.

For more information please contact Rev. Fisher at 717-545-0021 or via email.

To participate in one of the mission trips, please complete a mission trip registration form(s) (see link(s) next to each trip)and return with your payment to Calvary UMC (4700 Locust Lane; Harrisburg, PA 17109.)  Participant's fees for all mission experiences should be paid by check made payable to Calvary UMC.  Please be sure to note which mission trip on the memo line.


Upcoming VIM Mission Trips include:

We also have 3 day mission trips to do Hurricane Sandy clean-up in New Jersey about once per month. Please contact the church office for more information.



Please contact Pastor Jeff for information on either of these mission service opportunities.






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