Dinner - 5:30 PM
Activities - 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Come out on Wednesdays for supper followed by
a myriad of small group activities.
Dinner is served at 5:30 - 6:15 PM. (Take
outs may be picked up no earlier than 6 PM) Cost is $6 for
ages 12 and up, $3 for ages 11 and younger. Join us!
Please sign up at the Receptionist's Desk no later than noon on each Monday.
Click here for
our weekly menus!
SUMMER F&F: In the summer we have
only our F&F meals (no activities.) In 2014 we will offer
F&F meals on Wednesdays from May 21-July 16. Then our cooks
will take a summer vacation and regular F&F will resume on
September 10.
These were our Spring F&F activities. Check back in late
summer for our Fall listing:
Scrap It! Gina
Albright will lead this group - get those old photos
that are collecting dust in your closet out and make
memory books. We'll meet in Fellowship Hall after
supper. |
Knit It! Love to
knit or desire to learn? Stay in Fellowship Hall
after supper for this group led by Jackie Wass and
Nancy Wydra |
Book Club - January 22,
29 & Feb. 5: Linda Crum will facilitate a
discussion of The Noticer by Andy Andrews.
Please read the book prior. |
Book Club -
February 19 & 26: Will meet in Room 125 to discuss
The Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff.
Please read the book prior. Facilitator: Mary Alice
Dumbauld. |
January 15: Seminar on
Climate Change: Dr. Robert Little & Dr. James
Jones will lead this presentation. |
Lenten Study - March 5, 12, 19, & 26: In Room
123-124. Linda Hoffman will facilitate this study
using the DVD/book series by Adam Hamilton called
The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. |
Divorce Care: A
support group for those experiencing separation or
divorce. Faciliated by the Rev. Charles Snyder.
Meets in Room 121. Materials for this group cost
$15. |
Craft Class -
April 23 & 30: Try your hand at a watercolor class
for beginners. The only requirement is to have fun!
Cost TBD. Pre-registration is required to participate.
Leader: Caroline Buyer |