Faith & Fellowship

Wednesday Evenings

Dinner - 5:30 PM

Activities - 6:30 - 7:30 PM


Come out on Wednesdays for supper followed by a myriad of small group activities.


Dinner is served at 5:30 - 6:15 PM. (Take outs may be picked up no earlier than 6 PM) Cost is $6 for ages 12 and up, $3 for ages 11 and younger. Join us!

Please sign up at the Receptionist's Desk no later than noon on each Monday.


Click here for our weekly menus!


SUMMER F&F:  In the summer we have only our F&F meals (no activities.) In 2014 we will offer F&F meals on Wednesdays from May 21-July 16. Then our cooks will take a summer vacation and regular F&F will resume on September 10.


These were our Spring F&F activities. Check back in late summer for our Fall listing:


Scrap It! Gina Albright will lead this group - get those old photos that are collecting dust in your closet out and make memory books. We'll meet in Fellowship Hall after supper. Knit It! Love to knit or desire to learn? Stay in Fellowship Hall after supper for this group led by Jackie Wass and Nancy Wydra
Book Club - January 22, 29 & Feb. 5: Linda Crum will facilitate a discussion of The Noticer by Andy Andrews. Please read the book prior. Book Club - February 19 & 26: Will meet in Room 125 to discuss The Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff. Please read the book prior. Facilitator: Mary Alice Dumbauld.
January 15: Seminar on Climate Change: Dr. Robert Little & Dr. James Jones will lead this presentation. Lenten Study - March 5, 12, 19, & 26: In Room 123-124. Linda Hoffman will facilitate this study using the DVD/book series by Adam Hamilton called The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus.
Divorce Care: A support group for those experiencing separation or divorce. Faciliated by the Rev. Charles Snyder. Meets in Room 121. Materials for this group cost $15. Craft Class - April 23 & 30: Try your hand at a watercolor class for beginners. The only requirement is to have fun! Cost TBD. Pre-registration is required to participate. Leader: Caroline Buyer








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