Calvary Church has just formed the Elementary YF for kids in grades K-6!  Lots of cool activities are being planned to compliment our already awesome Sunday School program.  Here's what's coming up - look for details in your Sunday bulletin or The Messenger

SPECIAL NOTE:  Due to Safe Sanctuary regulations we must ask that you

RSVP for all Elementary YF activities. Thank you!



With Pastor Jeff

For kids who completed grades K - 5


God Squad is led by Pastor Jeff Fisher and held on various dates throughout the year. The program includes Bible time, recreation, crafts and a light lunch.


Summer dates - time is 10 AM - 12:30 PM. Each session costs $1.


July 2, July 11, July 16, July 23, July 25, August 6 and August 8. You may sign up for as few or as many as you can attend - please do pre-register!


Click here for a registration form.










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