Special Sundays

Calvary Church supports six special offerings of the United Methodist Church each year:


Suggested Date

of Observance

Purpose of the Observance

Human Relations


Sunday before Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance (January)

To call the Church to recognize the right of all God's children in realizing their potential as human beings in relationship with each other.

One Great Hour of Sharing

Fourth Sunday in Lent (March or early April)

To promote awareness of the hurts of the peoples of the world, and to share the goodness of life with those who hurt.

Native American Awareness

Second Sunday after Easter (April or early May)

To remind the Church of the gifts and contributions made by Native Americans to our society.

Peace with Justice

Second Sunday of Pentecost (late May or June)

To bear witness to God's demand for a faithful, just, disarmed and secure world.

World Communion

First Sunday in October

To celebrate and promote inclusiveness in the church and around the world.

United Methodist Student Day

Last Sunday in November

To promote awareness of the role of United Methodist higher education in helping students as they prepare for life by uniting faith with knowledge.

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