Calvary, under the direction of the Arts in Ministry Committee, has recently constructed a Peace Garden featuring a Labyrinth.  Christ commissioned humanity to carry God's peace into the world. It is in this spirit that we dedicate the Peace Garden to Calvary Church and to the Community.


The Labyrinth

A labyrinth is a meditation path with a single winding walkway from the outside edge to the center.  The same circuitous path is used to return to the outside.  Labyrinths have been around for over 4000 years and are found in just about every major religious tradition in the world.  During the crusades, labyrinths in the floors of cathedrals were used to symbolically represent the pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  Today, labyrinths are being used for reflection, meditation, prayer and comfort. They are found in many sizes and shapes, and are created using a wide variety of materials such as stone, earth mounds, vegetation, or sand.


Four Seasons Garden

The labyrinth featured in the Calvary Peace Garden is composed of seven circuits divided into four quadrants of a circle.  Each quadrant is surrounded by a variety plantings to create a four seasons garden, highlighting plants with special interest in the spring, summer, winter, and fall.  At the center of the labyrinth is a large circular area for resting, prayer, and mediation.


Walking the Labyrinth

There is no right or wrong way to walk the labyrinth so each person’s walk is a unique, personal experience.  Some people come to the labyrinth with questions, others just to slow down and take time out from a busy life.  Some come to find strength to take a next step.  Many come during times of

grief and loss.  Some people walk with the intention of addressing an issue in their lives, others to pray, reflect, and meditate. 

Use the labyrinth in any way that meets your needs while being respectful of others who may also be walking the path, passing others or allowing them to step around you. 

Here are some ideas to help you prepare for your labyrinth experience:

· Pause before you enter the labyrinth to center your thoughts on your intention.

· Walking from the outside to the center is a time of letting go, quieting thoughts, and being present with one’s self and with God. 

· Arriving at the center, the most sacred part of the labyrinth, pause to pray, reflect, and meditate. 

· Walking the path out of the labyrinth is a time to allow God’s Spirit to empower you to transform your life and your actions. 


Our hope is that you will leave the Peace Garden with a renewed vision and a refreshed spirit.


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