YOUTH EDUCATION Return to: Calvary Home Page Sunday School Page Info on Special Sunday Events
We are a Safe Sanctuary congregation and ask that you please pre-register your children for Sunday School. Contact the church office for the registration form.
For the infants... Room # 202
During the Sunday School hour, there is nursery care available for infants through 23 months of age. The staff provides care for children so that parents can participate in the adult Sunday School classes or can be a teacher or helper with any of the classes. Please pre-register your child with the church office.
For preschool children…. Room # 104
For children ages 2, 3, 4, and 5. Playtime, worship, singing, Bible stories, crafts, and snacks are included with the "Faith Weaver" curriculum studied each week.
For elementary students….
There are four classes on the elementary level:
Kindergarten & Grade 1 Room # 108
1st & 2nd grades Room # 109
3rd & 4th grades Room # 110
5th & 6th grades Room # 111
"Faith Weaver" from Group Publishing focuses on the most important thing in life - a growing relationship with Jesus. The fall studies will be Old Testament stories and lessons from the books of II Samuel, I & II Kings and II Chronicles. In the winter session the studies will be from the New Testament gospels of Mathew, Luke and John. The books of Matthew John and Acts will be studied in the spring session.
For our youth….
Confirmation Room # 107
Students in grandes 7 or older who desire to pursue becoming confirmed members of teh church will study the history of the church, the Christian calendar, sacraments, government of the church, decision-making, church symbolism, creeds and more as they are in service to the church.
8th - 12th grade class Room # 106
Food, fun, and friendships
are just some of the reasons youth gather together each Sunday morning.
What motivates you to be part of this group? What challenges you to get to
know others from different school districts? As decided by the class last
May, this year we will begin by studying World Religions. Together we will
gain a better understanding of the beliefs and traditions of other religions and
discuss how each tradition differs from Christianity as well as where they share
common ground. All while gaining a richer appreciation and deeper
understating of our own Christian Faith. We will also explore holidays of
the Christian year and other topics as chosen by the class. Our year will
conclude with planning the June Youth Sunday Worship Service. Challenge
yourself to get out of bed, get a ride to church and join the class for
discussion on timely topics with an emphasis on the solid rock of our faith.
For our college students…..
College Age Student Fellowship TBD. We try to have get togethers during Christmas break time for our college students who are home for the holidays.