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Welcome to Sunday School 2010-11!

Faith Weaver    Room # 112

Do you want to better understand the Bible stories that your children are hearing and exploring each week?  Interested in applying the Bible lesson to your own life circumstances?  Want to form new relationships with other adults?  FaithWeaver will serve those purposes as well as focus on the most important thing in life: a growing relationship with Jesus.  Join this class to experience God’s story in fresh, fun and meaningful ways.


The Wired World     Rooms # 121-122

Examine the news of the day with Scripture. Each week's topic is different - something in the news that week. The class will relate the event to relevant Scripture and consider how to apply the passages to everyday life.


Joy in Christ  Room # 113

Moses 1 - Egypt to Sinai introduces the fascinating account of the life of Moses, including meeting God at the burning bush, facing Pharaoh, and leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Discussion will encourage bilical thinking in a Christian worldview.


Search Class   Room # 123-124

The Spiritual Brain: Science & Religious Experience is a DVD curriculum posing the question by neuroscience: Are our brains wired to worship? Professor Andrew Newberg, scholar and neuroscientist, share his insight into the field of neurotheology to understand the connections between our brains and different kinds of religious phenomena.


Sunday Cinema    Room # 200

A timely and thought provoking movie will be viewed over a 2-3 week period. Check our board for the list of upcoming films.


The Wired Word     Room # 124

Examine the news of the day with Scripture and with hope. Each week’s topic is different – something in the news that week. We will relate current events to relevant Scripture passages, engage in thought-provoking, stimulating discussions on the biblical texts, and consider how to apply them to everyday life. Join us as we apply biblical truths to today’s culture!